Asbestos Information
Important information for Central PS families and staff
Feb. 21, 2025
Dear Central PS families and staff,
We are writing to inform you that Halton District School Board (HDSB) staff have discovered that a minor asbestos disturbance occurred in our school while work was conducted by a third-party vendor in August 2023. While the risk of potential exposure is very low, we are sharing this information to ensure full transparency.
This was recently discovered after staff at another HDSB school had concerns about whether a third-party vendor was following the correct procedures with respect to handling asbestos-containing materials while conducting work. A review of HDSB’s work with this vendor uncovered that this vendor previously conducted work at our school to install phones in some classrooms. HDSB staff have ceased all work with this vendor.
Please be assured that the asbestos disturbance was very minor in nature and no evidence of debris or disturbance was found. As a result, the risk to student and staff health and safety is extremely low.
Out of an abundance of caution, HDSB Facility Services staff are arranging for a third-party environmental consultant to conduct testing next week. This testing will be completed using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), the most sensitive method of testing available. We will share the results as soon as they are available.
I understand that this may be unsettling to hear. Please be assured that the safety and well-being of our students and staff is our highest priority. To address this issue going forward, HDSB staff are initiating further review of asbestos procedures and taking additional steps to ensure all third-party vendors are thoroughly trained and are following the safe handling and control of asbestos-containing materials in HDSB schools.
To provide you with further information, including the steps taken by HDSB staff, a timeline of events and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) is available on our school website.
We understand you may have further questions, and we will provide any additional information, including testing results, as it becomes available. In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the office or email if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Gillian Caron Ian Gaudet
Principal Superintendent of Facility Services
Timeline of Events
August 2023: Work was completed by an external vendor to update the phone system at Central PS. This likely involved minor drilling into asbestos-containing materials.
Jan. 21, 2025: HDSB staff had concerns about whether a third-party vendor was following the correct procedures with respect to handling asbestos-containing materials while conducting work at another school.
Jan. 21 - Feb. 5, 2025: HDSB Facility Services staff began working with HDSB Information Services, Business Services and Human Resources departments to verify purchase orders of the vendor, determine schools where work had been done by this vendor and review asbestos registries to identify schools where work had been done by this vendor. During this time, HDSB staff also attempted to contact the vendor to confirm details but these attempts were unsuccessful. As a result of this investigation, HDSB schools where we know asbestos-containing materials are present were identified as having work done by this vendor.
Feb. 5 - 14, 2025: HDSB Facility Services staff visited the identified schools to assess the locations of where work was completed by this vendor. After visiting the schools, Facility Services staff determined power tools were likely used to drill small one-inch holes to accommodate a phone line into asbestos-containing materials at three HDSB schools, including Central PS. The presumed use of power tools signals that a minor asbestos disturbance occurred at these schools. The asbestos disturbance was very minor in nature and no debris was found at any of the sites.
Feb. 18 - 20, 2025: HDSB staff have initiated further review of asbestos procedures and are taking additional steps to ensure all third-party vendors are thoroughly trained and are following the safe handling and control of asbestos-containing materials in HDSB schools.
Feb. 21, 2025: HDSB informs families and staff at the identified schools where it has been confirmed that there was a minor asbestos disturbance.
Week of Feb. 24, 2025: HDSB Facility Services staff will arrange for testing to be completed by a third-party environmental consultant. This testing will be completed using the most sensitive method of testing (TEM sampling). Results will be communicated upon completion.
Asbestos Q&A
Q. When was it determined that asbestos-containing material (ACM) may have been disturbed at Central PS?
A. Please refer to the timeline of events above.
Q. Why is the timeline for the third-party vendor’s work broad?
A. In accordance with Ontario Regulation 278/05, the HDSB has an Asbestos Management Program to maintain the safe operation of facilities. All staff and vendors who conduct work in HDSB schools/workspaces are required to follow this program.
The Asbestos Management Program includes an Asbestos Register Binder at each HDSB-owned facility where asbestos-containing materials (ACM) have been identified. In addition, the HDSB maintains an Asbestos Management Plan that details the procedure, expectations, roles and responsibilities regarding maintaining and updating the asbestos register, annual inspections, providing notification to workers and building occupants, training and management of construction and maintenance activities.
HDSB staff are initiating further review of asbestos procedures and taking additional steps to ensure all third-party vendors are thoroughly trained and are following the safe handling and control of asbestos-containing materials in HDSB schools.
Q. Was there any risk to students or staff?
A. The risk of exposure is very minimal, if at all. Further, it is HDSB practice that no students or staff are in the building when work on asbestos-containing materials is completed.
Q. Will air sampling be completed to determine that it’s safe for my child?
A. Air sampling is being completed during the week of Feb. 24 using the most sensitive method of testing (TEM sampling). Unlike other sampling, this type of sampling differentiates between asbestos and non-asbestos particles. Results will be communicated upon completion.
Q. What rooms were impacted?
A. Approximately four one-inch holes were drilled into asbestos-containing wall plaster (0.72-1.6% Chrysotile) in rooms 101, 102, 103, 109, 110, 203, 204, 208 and 209 to install phones.
Q. What kind of risk does this pose to students and staff who have been in those classrooms for the last two years?
A. It is highly unlikely that an unsafe exposure occurred as the amount of asbestos contained in the impacted building materials was 2% or less. Additionally, no damaged asbestos-containing materials and/or debris was found.
Q. Why is air sampling being completed if there is no health and safety concern?
A. There is nothing to indicate a need for air quality testing – it is not a requirement according to asbestos regulations (Ontario Regulation 278/05). The HDSB is conducting air sampling to provide reassurance that every precaution has been taken.
Q. How do I know that my child will be kept safe from asbestos?
A. The HDSB Administrative Procedure on Asbestos Management in Facilities is implemented in all HDSB schools. Asbestos only poses a potential health risk when a material with asbestos is disturbed or damaged. Any work that may impact asbestos-containing materials is not permitted to occur while the space is occupied by students, staff or other building occupants. The HDSB has ceased all work with this vendor.
Q. What is the HDSB’s asbestos protocol?
A. You can learn more about the HDSB’s asbestos protocol at